Monday, August 10, 2009

My camera is dead!!!!!

I am so mad. Some how an otter pop got melted next to my camera and its ruined. So needless to say I can't take pictures and Post. I will just have to describe things until I come up with money for a new camera. So a few post back I took pictures of my tomato plant. I know have three tomatoes on my plant two are about the size of cherry tomatoes and one is just a bit bigger than that and it has a few blossoms. I am excited to have tomatoes. Hopefully I can get a camera before they turn red so I can take pictures of my first tomatoes and scrapbook them.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Yeah tomato plants, Booo broken cameras.
I still love my OLD camera best, I am having a hard time finding a good one to replace it with. I feel your pain!! XOXO, Aunt Cynthia