Monday, August 24, 2009

I am alive with a new camera.

I have a new camera so here is some picture of my tomatoes. I only have three but am excited because its my first producing plant. I hope to be able to blog, but now my computer is acting up so we will have to see. I also missed the first day of school pictures because i didn't have a camera. I will be taking pictures of this event this week even though it won't really be the first day of school. Years from now who will remember it wasn't really the first day right. I hope you are all doing well.


Heather said...

wow... your tomato plant looks awesome!!! where did you get a new camera??!!

Cynthia said...

Oh, I am impressed with your tomatoes! Glad you got a new camera.
When my kids were little I didn’t like the pics I got on their first day as well as I liked the ones from the following week, so when we scrap booked them we titled them the first days of school!
Just a thought! Love you, ♥Aunt C