Wednesday, August 26, 2009

long school year

Ok so down below I mention how its going to be a long school year because of the homework thing. Oh no it will be a long school year because he has already gone to the principals. Today I get a call from basically the detention teacher. He was talking to much in class and being disruptive. We had this problem in first grade, second grade was so good not one call from the school other than when he was sick. I was hoping this school year would be good too. We have only been in for a week and already its starting. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i really just want to scream. Well I will keep you guys posted.


Cynthia said...

Be careful not to scream too loud, I remember when you were little having the same situation!! LOL It must be inherited, several of the Goold's have been in trouble for being too social, and Uncle Kreg gets paid for it!! LOL
Keep working with him, But mostly love him! I love you both tons, Aunt Cynthia♥

Jaysonsmom said...

Yeah I didn't scream at him. We just talked about it. Also I grounded him until his behavior can improve. Grounding him gives him more time to study and less time to socialize. I realize with his ADHD it does not make it easy for him or his teachers so all I can do is love him and work with him.

Cynthia said...

How is he doing since the last post? He is so stinkin' cute and smart! Karl was a talker, talked before he walked we always said!!
Jaysons future may be in PR, Aunt Liz always said Kreg would do good there, and now he makes his living at it! XOXO, Aunt C