Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I love my new Job

Here are some photos I took at my job. These are my cousins kids I think they some of the most beautiful girls I have seen.
This is Megan. Her and Jayson have grown up together. We are working on having a double baptism.

This is Makena. She is quiet and shy and was the hardest to get to smile.

This is Mara. They moved away shortly after she was born. She is so accepting and loving that she gave me hug the first time she met me, as if she had known me her whole life. I am glad they have moved back and I get to see these beautiful girls more.

This is my favorite photo. It captures the innocents of a child so well.

I wish you all lived closer so you could bring your kids into the studio so I could capture there innocents.


Cynthia said...

Angel, these photos are outstanding, yes, it helps to have such beautiful girls in them too!! You are an excellent photographer!
I love you, ♥Aunt Cynthia

Jaysonsmom said...

Thank you. I was wondering if anyone still reads my blog lol.

Krystal said...

Those are beautiful photos!! And beautiful girls. I agree with my mom's comment, you are an amazing photographer. Someday, you will have to take Rachel's pictures for me, when we come to visit.

P.S. I still read your blog! Thanks for all your comments on mine. :) Love ya!

Jaysonsmom said...

Please let me take pictures of Rachel. Thats why I was hoping you guys would make it into the studio. She is so beautiul and cute and sweet.

Cynthia said...

Krystal and Rachel will be coming again at the end of August, I would love you to take pics of my 3 granddaughters when they are here!!