Thursday, July 23, 2009

Two posts in one

I had lunch with some of my childhood friends today it was fun. We took our kids to a park and had sac lunches (ok two had sac lunches two had mcdonads lol). It was great to see them. We have pretty much known eachother since we were five and dare I say it we are all now thirty. It was fun watching our kids play together knowing we were once that young playing together. We are all pretty local but do you think we get together very often of coures not. We talked about husbands, kids and work is there anything else in life lol. I love my friends and hope we all get together more often and soon.

Me, Jenniffer White Michaelson, Britney Giles Ware, Mayme Seng Ercanbreck
Seriously I can never grow plants. I have killed cacti, bamboo, tomato, and anything that my son brings home from school. My son has told me not to touch his plants because I will kill them. So this is were the bragging comes in. I finally have blossoms on my tomato plant. I could have planted my tomato plant in the ground but I have a dog and and who knows what other stray animals are lurking. So I bought the hangy plant thing. So far I am impressed with it. Anything that I can grow something in must be pretty good lol. So that is my little brag for today.


Krystal said...

How fun to get together with your old friends.

I'm like you...I end up killing everything I try to grow too. Maybe I should try hanging tomatoes next year.

Krystal said...

P.S. I forgot to say Congrats on having blossoms on your tomatoes!

Andrea said...

Sorry, I have been in a blogging funk lately. The park with friends is always a blast! I love fresh tomatoes, and we usually grow them well, but tonight Brian found the biggest grodiest "tomato hornworm". It is about 4 inches long. It freaked me out. Your pictures of the kids that you took at work are gorgeous!! I am glad that you are enjoying your new job so much! Love ya!

Jaysonsmom said...

ROFL I don't remember the last time I heard the work Grodiest. Its to funny. I'm thinking with mine not in the ground I should not get the insect problem the same.

Cynthia said...

You girls look as beautiful at 30 as you did at 13!! It's fun to keep in touch with old friends.
I like the tomato hangy thing, I had to look at the pic twice, I can't wait to see how they taste:) xoxo, Aunt Cynthia