Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Space Derby

Jayson had his first space derby last Wednesday. My mom was great she helped him put his rocket together after I had forgotten about it and had to work. It was fun. His rocket never made it to the finish line but it did make it off the finish line. There was a few that did not make it off the line. I cant believe my baby is in Scouts. I know nothing about scouts so this should be fun learning it with him. Between Karate and Scouts we keep quite busy around our house.


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

We've never done a SPACE DERBY. Cool. Josh has done 2 pinewood derbies. . . last night was supposed to be his 3rd, but he refused to participate. He hates loosing. We need to work on that!

Michelle said...

I can't get over the fact that he's old enough to even be in scouts. I still imagine him as a little 3 year old. lol.

Krystal said...

I can't believe Jason is old enough to be in scouts. He is getting so grown up! :)