Saturday, June 26, 2010

Childrens parade!

Jayson and his cousins excited before the parade. They should be my friend and I were up till all hours decorating four scooters. What we do for our kids.

As you can see Jayson is with the girls. He was having fun following them and doing his cool tricks in front of them. What a little show off. I thought it was sure cute of him.
This is his friend Mathew what fun kids they are.

Boys will be boys

He was so excited with his new hair shaved into his fo hawk. I am nice and will let him keep it until the fifth. We will see what it looks like tonight after the color is out. I colored it this morning while all of it was long and decided to shave the sides. It should be interesting.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jaysons New belt

My son just got his new belt on Friday. He is now a blue belt. Here are some pictures from Friday.
This is the horse stance they had to do it for several minutes. It really hurts your legs after awhile. It promotes great strength and good attention.

I love how intense his face is here.
The L here with his old and new belt represent loyalty to the martial arts and to the school.

We are still struggling with how to tie our belt. So we had Mr Mikki help. We sure love him.

Jayson wants to be like Mikki and get his black belt and become and instructor. I am so proud of him and his hard work. I just has to share this with everyone.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rodeo Queen

We went to Richfield yesterday and got to watch my sister compete for rodeo queen. It was fun I had never been to one. Basically they are beauty pageants/ horse back riding. It was awesome. She got rodeo queen. She got the beautiful saddle that matches her riding gear. Here are some pictures.
He loves riding Aunt Jades Horse, Risky.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Jaysons Baptism

I have never been prouder than when my little man was baptized. He was so excited to become a member of the church.
Papa, Grandma and Jayson.
He sure does love his papa.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Ok so it has been awhile since I last posted. I need to post about disneyland and Jayson baptism. And well Jayson has another Karate tournament this weekend lol. I am on a computer for eight hours a day at work so the last thing I feel like doing is playing on the computer but man I need to stay caught up with this. I figure I try and get on face book and that seems to be where I post more. well just wanted to let anyone still reading I am going to try it again. lol

Friday, October 23, 2009

Karate Tournament

I have been sick and have not felt like blogging much for the last couple of weeks. And I am so busy with work so who knows when I will blog again. Infact I might be getting managers position. Anyways on November 7th it will be Jaysons second karate tournament. It will be up in salt lake as soon as I know more I will let you know the details. I want you all to come if you can.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Reflections Contest!

So I have decided to help my son do the reflections contest this year at school. He is doing photography because its what I know. And he has always had an interest in it. The theme this year is "Beauty it" pretty easy right . Well I have some ideas in my head and told him to be thinking about what is beautiful to him. It can be up to 11x14, i think i can't find the paper work at the moment. So I was thinking in the middle a 5x7 of his favorite picture and then some small ones as a border around the edge would be pretty cool. Tomorrow I am taking him up into the mountains and letting him use my camera to take some pictures. To bad I don't have a professional camera that would be awsome. I will be awsome anyways. I would love some feed back on what beauty is to you and how you would do this.